Post Adoption Training
Adopted children who feel positive about their adoption experience can face a variety of emotions as they become teenagers. Together Lives Change is dedicated to providing supportive services to adoptive parents to prevent placement disruption. Because of unique challenges, TLC provides valuable parent education and support services to address their needs. The goal of the program is to preserve the placement and build the family unit. This service will assist with enhancing the parental bond, providing crisis intervention and respite.
Customized Supportive Services
Together Lives Change is predicated on the notion that children are best serviced in their families and in their communities. To achieve this goal, the Family Supportive Services Worker is committed to assessing the needs of the family. The worker will assist the parent in scheduling and transporting to medical, dental, psychological and psychiatric appointments. TLC will monitor school attendance, grades and disciplinary actions of the children. The worker will also utilize applicable services offered by the Department of Human Services. Resources in the community that are beneficial to the maintenance of the family such as Section 8, Housing and Re-development Authority, Department of Motor Vehicles, Parks and Recreation and Daycare Agencies will be utilized.
TLC will work in tandem with the referring agency to communicate the progress of the case and address any specific concerns to prevent foster care placement.
Intensive Crisis Response
Intensive Intervention services are provided to alleviate crisis in the home that may potentially lead to an out of home placement.
Service Focuses On:
• Assisting parents with forming healthy and constructive relationships
• Promoting strategies that support a healthy family environment
• Assist families dealing with challenges and safety concerns in the home