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ReUnification Services

Together Lives Change, Family Healing and Reunification Services is a time limited program designed to educate, teach, empower and provide the “clinical glue” to bond, heal and reunite children back into a healthy family environment.


TLC is an organization formed to create healthy families, which in turn, will create healthy communities. The Reunification Program is designed to assist the biological parent to regain custody of his or her child after a foster care placement. During Reunification Services the Family Support Worker endeavors to eliminate barriers that led to removal, such as unemployment, abuse/neglect, housing, parent education, finances and budgeting, substance abuse, and anger management. We will offer:


• Parenting (one to one)

• Communication Skills

• Problem Solving and Negotiation

• Household Management

• 24 hour On-Call (weekends)

• Job Search

• Assistance with Housing Search

• Transportation

• Credit Counseling (3 bureaus)

• Budgeting

• Focus Groups

• School support for children

• Coordination of Legal Services

• Aftercare Services (up to 3 months)

• Safety Plan meeting/ Trial home placement

ReStart Supervised Visitation

The purpose of the “Restart” Program is to provide a place for children to be and feel safe with their parents. In certain situations, there may be a concern for the safety of children when they visit with one of both parents. The “Restart” program provides a neutral setting that seeks to treat all parties with equal respect for the best interests of the children. In addition, this program allows children and families to experience alternatives and less restrictive placements for visitation in their community. Furthermore, “Restart” serves as a safe-haven for parents to not only participate in a drop off and pick up service but provides them with access to a center that encourages visitation outside of the normal working hours to include evening hours, Saturdays and Sundays.


As a private agency, we understand that before parents can be permanently reunited or to continue to build a healthy bond with their children, they are often required to undergo supervised visitations. Supervised parent-child visitations are critical to the process of bringing parents and their children back together. These visits not only provide feedback to the court and referring agencies on the progress of a family, but more importantly, they allow the participants to maintain their family bond.




Together Lives Change offers supervised visitation in the community because it best recreates the natural home environment. Some examples of visitation sites include:


•The library to complete the children’s homework assignments


•The mall to purchase school clothes and supplies

•Little League practice and sporting events


•Virginia Air and Space Museum, Virginia Living Museum, Norfolk Botanical Gardens, Virginia Aquarium and Norfolk Zoo, etc.

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